Niezależnie od tego, czy masz wieloletnie doświadczenie zawodowe, czy właśnie ukończyłeś studia, masz szansę na karierę w Nestlé. Wyszukaj oferty pracy tutaj.
Recruitment - What we look for
Your professional skills are important, but it’s just as important to us that your values align with our culture. We are driven by the purpose of enhancing quality of life and contributing to a healthier future - and it shapes everything we do together. Excelling in this environment means sharing our sense of responsibility for the billions of lives we touch every day.
We want your personal commitment to what you do, and your passion for helping build and sustain an environment where everyone can do their best, collaborating with colleagues and partners to grow and succeed together.
Wherever in the world you apply, our Talent Acquisition teams will provide a professional, timely and responsive service.